EPDM membranes are widely used for flat roof covering because they can meet the most severe requirements of the construction standards. Firestone RubberGard EPDM membrane is a unique combination of properties and advantages demonstrated on the roofs all over the world.
Speed and simplicity of installation
Rolls of Firestone RubberGard EPDM membranes are manufactured up to 15m wide and up to 61m long, which decreases number of seams and expedites the installation process.
Unique weather resistance and strength
Due to its chemical structure and especially its composition of EPDM polymer and carbon black Firestone RubberGard EPDM has unique resistance against ultraviolet radiation, ozone and heat impact.
High flexibility and elongation
Firestone RubberGard EPDM membrane remains flexible under temperature down to -45 and can be extended without internal deformation up to 300%, which can compensate mechanical and thermal deformations of construction structures .
Low cost in the course of long-term use
Firestone RubberGard EPDM membrane practically does not require any servicing. This feature together with durability and competitive price of installation make EPDM roofing systems cheap in the course of long-term use.
Environmental friendly
Firestone RubberGard EPDM membrane is an inert material with very insignificant impact on the environment during its manufacture and use.