Firestone RubberGard® EPDM Roofing Systems offer several methods of EPDM membrane installation, including ballasting with gravel or slabs, complete gluing of EPDM membrane or its mechanical fixing with different types of fixtures. A buyer can choose the most optimum system for a particular project.
Ballast system (Â)
In Firestone Ballast System sheets of EPDM membrane are placed on the corresponding base without fixing. Adjacent sheets are overlapped in 100 mm minimum and seams are fastened with self-bonding tape QuickSeam Splice Tape; the roofing perimeter and abutting joints are made according to the Firestone specifications. As soon as the seams are bonded the EPDM membrane is fixed on place with ballast from gravel or smooth concrete slabs (plates) of total weight not less than 50 kg/sq.m.
Firestone Inversion System - is an option of ordinary ballast system, which ideally suits to intensively used roofs or for severe climate conditions. Large sheets of EPDM are separated from the ballast with a layer of heat-insulating boards and geotextile freely placed upon membrane.
Ballast or Inversion systems can be installed on any building designed to bear additional ballast weight with roof gradient of not more than 1:6.
System advantages :
Low cost of installation
Use of wide rolls of EPDM
Small amount of seams
High rate of installation
Kyiv, “Ukraine” Palace
Fully Adhered System (FÀS)
In Firestone Fully Adhered System sheets of EPDM are bonded directly on the suitable base with the use of Firestone Bonding Adhesive. Adjacent sheets are overlapped in 100 mm minimum and seams are fastened with self-bonding tape QuickSeam Splice Tape to form complete waterproofing membrane. The roofing perimeter and abutting joints are made according to the Firestone specifications. Firestone Fully Adhered System suits to roofs with complicated configuration, irregular forms and to any roofs with limited bearing capacity, but under condition that the base beneath the membrane is compatible with the adhesive.
System advantages :
Suitable for the roofs with any gradient
Suitable for the roofs with irregular configuration
Small weight
Resistance to the high wind loads
Vinnytsya, buildings of “Crystal” Plant, year of installation - 1994
Firestone Mechanically Fixed Systems
Firestone offers three variants of mechanical fixing of RubberGard® EPDM membranes: RÌÀ, ÌÀS and ÂIS. Combination of these mechanical fixings can be used as well.
Firestone Mechanically Fixed Roofing Systems suit for roofs with base providing sufficient resistance against fixing system (screws) pulling out. The roof gradient must not exceed 1:3
Firestone RMA System
Firestone RÌÀ System is light, complete, mechanically fixed system used as an alternative to the traditional systems Firestone MAS and ÂIS. Key element of the system is QuickSeam RMA Tape — tape from the reinforced EPDM membrane 254 mm wide with self-bonding QuickSeam Splice Òàðås along both sides.
In this Roofing System RÌÀ Tapes are placed on the corresponding base and mechanically fixed to the roof. Distance between tapes and fixing elements depends on the wind loads. Then large sheets of EPDM are bonded to the mechanically fixed RÌÀ tapes applying standard method of seaming with the use of QuickSeam Splice Tape. Along the roof perimeter the membrane sheets can be glued to the base instead of the use of self-bonding RÌÀ tape. Adjacent sheets are overlapped in 100 mm minimum and seams are fastened with self-bonding tape QuickSeam Splice Tape to form complete waterproofing membrane.
System advantages:
Membrane is not punctured with fixing elements
Application of the EPDM wide sheets
High rate of installation
Small amount of seams
Light weight
Good external view
Vinnytsya, “Radon” sanatorium building
Firestone ÌÀS System
In Firestone MAS System wide EPDM sheets are placed on the corresponding base. Along perimeter membrane sheets can be either glued or fixed mechanically. Membrane sheets are fixed to the base with the use of battens placed above membrane and/or inside seams of the adjacent sheets. Distance between battens can vary depending on the wind loads. The battens are protected with the use of 150 mm self-bonding Firestone QuickSeam Batten Cover Strip. Adjacent sheets are overlapped in minimum 200 mm for seams with the batten inside, and 100 mm for all other seams. All seams are fastened with self-bonding QuickSeam Splice Òàðå.
System advantages:
application of wide EPDM sheets
high rate of installation
small amount of seams
light weight
Firestone BIS System («Batten In Seam»)
Firestone BIS System ("Batten In Seam”) is an option of ÌÀS system with application of narrower EPDM rolls. It is possible to use ordinary membrane or reinforced. Along roof perimeter membrane can be glued or fixed mechanically. Membrane sheets are fixed to the base with the use of corresponding fixing elements in the middle of the seams between adjacent sheets. Mutual arrangement of the battens can be different depending on the wind load and width of the used rolls.
Adjacent sheets are overlapped in minimum 200 mm for seams with the batten inside, and 100 mm for all other seams. All seams are fastened with self-bonding QuickSeam Splice Òàðå.
System advantages: